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Scott-Brown's otorhinolarnygology and head and neck surgery_ basic sciences, endocrine surgery, rhinology Paediatrics, The Ear, and Skull Base Plastic Head and Neck Surgery volumes 1-3-CRC Press (2018)
Clarke; Raymond; _ Watkinson; John C; John C Watkinson; Ray W Clarke
General Surgery
W. Scott Jellish (auth.); Kirby I. Bland MD; Markus W. Büchler MD; Attila Csendes MD; FACS (Hon); Michael G. Sarr MD; O. James Garden MBChB; MD; FRCS (Ed); FRCP (Ed); FRACS (Hon); John Wong BSc (Med (Syd)); MBBS (Syd); PhD (Syd); MD (Hon (Syd)); FRACS; FR
General Surgery
W. Scott Jellish (auth.); Kirby I. Bland MD; Markus W. Büchler MD; Attila Csendes MD; FACS (Hon); Michael G. Sarr MD; O. James Garden MBChB; MD; FRCS (Ed); FRCP (Ed); FRACS (Hon); John Wong BSc (Med (Syd)); MBBS (Syd); PhD (Syd); MD (Hon (Syd)); FRACS; FR