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模拟工程师电路设计指导手册:数据转换器 (Rev. A)
Manuel Chavez Luis Chioye Kevin Duke Aaron Estrada Paul Frost Abhijeet Godbole Reed Kaczmarek Art Kay Dale Li Peggy Liska Bryan McKay Garrett Satterfield Uttama Kumar Satu Evan Sawyer Alex Smith Cynthia Sosa Collin Wells
Comparison of the Applicability of Rule-Based and Self-Organizing Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Sedation Control of Intracranial Pressure Pattern in a Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit
Jiann-Shing Shieh; Mu Fu; Sheng-Jean Huang; Ming-Chien Kao
Semiconductor Data Book. Characteristics of approx. 10,000 Transistors, FETs, UJTs, Diodes, Rectifiers, Optical Semiconductors, Triacs and SCRs
A. M. Ball (Auth.)
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