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- The oxford essential guide to writing
The oxford essential guide to writing
Thomas S. KaneHow much do you like this book?
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The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing is divided into several parts which address a variety of issues. These include:* The Writing Process* The Essay* The Expository Paragraph* The Sentence* Diction* Description And Narration* PunctuationMany shy away from writing guides, such as this. They believe it's hard work to read and even harder work to apply. Not so with The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing. It is written in an authoritative but disarming manner, scattered with poignant quotes from some of the masters of the craft, which make it accessible to scribes of all levels.It explains in simple layperson's terms the processes and mechanics of writing. The chapters also feature practical exercises for workshopping ~ an excellent way to understand and apply what you've just read.I particularly liked the `Drafts and Revisions' chapter, which offered some solid techniques and advice on refining work. Also the examples of style and technique from literary greats, such as Mark Twain, H.L. Mencken, E.B. White and Annie Dillard.Another excellent writers' guide from Oxford. This is an essential reference for new and veteran wordsmiths. Newcomers will gain comprehensive instruction in the art of writing, including techniques for encouraging creativity, organizing thoughts and clear writing. As for experienced scribes, this guide will remind you what you've forgotten and, most importantly, it will help you add that `something missing' to your writing.
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Oxford Univ Pr
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PDF, 3.02 MB
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english, 2003
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