Trauma Vivas for the FRCS : a Case-Based Approach

Trauma Vivas for the FRCS : a Case-Based Approach

Anakwe, Raymond, Middleton, Scott
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"This new book is targeted at higher trainees in orthopaedic surgery preparing for the second part of the FRCS (Tr & Orth) exam. The exam involves a set of vivas during which a range of topics is discussed, the aim being to demonstrate trauma safety and competence rather than trauma expertise. Examiners may use props such as models, clinical pictures, clinical studies, and x-rays to introduce topics and initiate discussion. This book uses a similar model to allow the candidate to practise key topics for discussion with common presentations and histories, and high quality x-rays. The book lends itself to individual and small group learning as trainees prepare for their examinations."--Provided by publisher.
Abstract: "This new book is targeted at higher trainees in orthopaedic surgery preparing for the second part of the FRCS (Tr & Orth) exam. The exam involves a set of vivas during which a range of topics is discussed, the aim being to demonstrate trauma safety and competence rather than trauma expertise. Examiners may use props such as models, clinical pictures, clinical studies, and x-rays to introduce topics and initiate discussion. This book uses a similar model to allow the candidate to practise key topics for discussion with common presentations and histories, and high quality x-rays. The book lends itself to individual and small group learning as trainees prepare for their examinations."--Provided by publisher
First edition
CRC Press
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
PDF, 52.42 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2017
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