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- Boundaries in dating making dating work
Boundaries in dating making dating work
Henry Cloud, John TownsendHow much do you like this book?
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Boundaries in Dating offers illuminating insights for romance that can help you grow in freedom, honesty, and self-control as you pursue a healthy dating relationship that will lead to a healthy marriage.Dating can be fun, but it's not easy. Meeting people is just one concern. Once you've met someone, then what? What do you build? Nothing, a simple friendship, or more? How do you set smart limits on physical involvement? Financial involvement? Individual responsibilities?Respected counselors, popular radio hosts, and bestselling authors Henry Cloud and John Townsend apply the principles described in their Gold Medallion Award-winning Boundaries to matters of love and romance. Helping you bridge the pitfalls of dating, Boundaries in Dating unfolds a wise, biblical path to developing self-control, freedom, and intimacy in the dating process. Boundaries in Dating will help you to think, solve problems, and enjoy the journey of dating, increasing your abilities to find and commit to a marriage partner.Full of insightful, true-life examples, this much-needed book includes such topics as:Recognizing and choosing quality over perfection in a dating partnerHow to ensure that honest friendship is one vital component in a relationshipPreserving friendships by separating between platonic relationships and romantic interestMoving past denial to deal with real relational problems in a realistic and hopeful way. . . and much more!Plus, check out Boundaries family collection of books dedicated to key areas of life - marriage, raising kids, parenting teens, and leadership. Workbooks and Spanish editions are also available.
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EPUB, 313 KB
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english, 2000
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