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Advances and experiences with pipelines and trenchless technology for water, sewer, gas, and oil applications : proceedings of the International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology 2009, October 18-21, 2009, Shanghai, China
Mohammad Najafi; editor; Baosong Ma
Pipelines 2007 : advances and experiences with trenchless pipeline projects : proceedings of the ASCE International Conference on Pipeline Engineering and Construction, July 8-11, 2007, Boston, Massachusetts
Lynn Osborn & Mohammad Najafi (Editors)
Pipelines 2016 : out of sight, out of mind, not out of risk : proceedings of the Pipelines 2016 Conference, July 17-20, 2016, Kansas City, Missouri
Cate; Cliff; Geisbush; Jim; Heidrick; Jeffrey W.; Livingston; Byron L.; Pridmore; Anna B