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French vernacular books: books published in the French language before 1601 / Livres vernaculaires français : livres imprimés en français avant 1601
Andrew Pettegree; Malcolm Walsby; Alexander Wilkinson
SAE Technical Paper Series [SAE International SAE 2006 World Congress & Exhibition - (APR. 03, 2006)] SAE Technical Paper Series - The Interaction Between Fuel Chemicals and HCCI Combustion Characteristics Under Heated Intake Air Conditions
Shibata; Gen; Urushihara; Tomonori
Physical properties of dense molecular gas in centres of Seyfert galaxies
E. Sani; R. I. Davies; A. Sternberg; J. Graciá-Carpio; E. K. S. Hicks; M. Krips; L. J. Tacconi; R. Genzel; B. Vollmer; E. Schinnerer; S. García-Burillo; A. Usero; G. Orban de Xivry
The kinematic properties of BHB and RR Lyrae stars towards the Anticentre and the North Galactic Pole: the transition between the inner and the outer halo
T. D. Kinman; C. Cacciari; A. Bragaglia; R. Smart; A. Spagna