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Chemical carcinogens a review and analysis of the literature of selected chemicals and the establishment of the Gene-Tox carcinogen data base: A report of the U.S. environmental protection agency Gene-Tox program
S. Nesnow; M. Argus; H. Bergman; K. Chu; C. Frith; T. Helmes; R. McGaughy; V. Ray; T.J. Slaga; R. Tennant; E. Weisburger
The Comet Assay with Multiple Mouse Organs: Comparison of Comet Assay Results and Carcinogenicity with 208 Chemicals Selected from the IARC Monographs and U.S. NTP Carcinogenicity Database**
Sasaki; Yu F.; Sekihashi; Kaoru; Izumiyama; Fusako; Nishidate; Emi; Saga; Ayako; Ishida; Kumiko; Tsuda; Shuji