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Röntgendiagnostik der Oberen Speise- und Atemwege, der Atemorgane und des Mediastinums / Roentgen Diagnosis of the Upper Alimentary Tract and Air Passages, the Respiratory Organs, and the Mediastinum: Teil 1 / Part 1
Privatdozent Dr. H. Blaha Med. Dir.; Dr. med.; Dr. phil. H. Fischer; Dr. S. Hofmann; Dr. A. Huzly; Dr. B. Kranig; Professor Dr. J. Matzker; Professor Dr. W. Schermuly; Professor Dr. H. Schoberth; Professor Dr. Hans-Stephan Stender; Dr. Th. Stolze; Profess
Therapeutic window of opportunity for the neuroprotective effect of valproate versus the competitive AMPA receptor antagonist NS1209 following status epilepticus in rats
Melanie Langer; Claudia Brandt; Christina Zellinger; Wolfgang Löscher
Tau accumulation in astrocytes of the dentate gyrus induces neuronal dysfunction and memory deficits in Alzheimer’s disease
Richetin; Kevin; Steullet; Pascal; Pachoud; Mathieu; Perbet; Romain; Parietti; Enea; Maheswaran; Mathischan; Eddarkaoui; Sabiha; Bégard; Séverine; Pythoud; Catherine; Rey; Maria; Caillierez; Raphaë
Abnormal positioning of granule cells alters afferent fiber distribution in the mouse fascia dentata: Morphologic evidence from reeler, apolipoprotein E receptor 2-, and very low density lipoprotein receptor knockout mice
Carl Gebhardt; Domenico Del Turco; Alexander Drakew; Albrecht Tielsch; Joachim Herz; Michael Frotscher; Thomas Deller