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The Comparative History of Urban Origins in Non-Roman Europe, Parts i and ii: Ireland, Wales, Denmark, Germany, Poland and Russia from the Ninth to the Thirteenth Century
H. B. Clarke; Anngret Simms
The Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East, Parts i and ii: Proceedings of a colloquium held at the University of Sheffield in April 1986
Philip Freeman; David Kennedy
Villages, Fields and Frontiers: Studies in European Rural Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods. Papers presented at the meeting of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, held at Durham and Cambridge, England
B. K. Roberts and R. E. Glasscock
Patrios Nomos: Public Burial in Athens during the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C., Parts i and ii: The archaeological, epigraphic-literary and historical evidence
Christoph W. Clairmont