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Fisiología Médica
Walter Boron

Suplemen 3: Panduan Penyusunan Rencana Pengelolaan dan Zonasi Kawasan Konservasi Perairan, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil
Syamsul Bahri Lubis; Suraji; Nilfa Rasyid; Ahmad Sofiullah; Antung R. Jannah; Asri S. Kenyo H.; Dyah Retno Wulandari; M. Saefudin; Muschan Ashari; Ririn Widiastutik; Tendy Kuhaja; Yusuf Arief Afandi; Ari Setiarso Soemodinoto

A Companion to the City
Gary Bridge; Sophie Watson (eds.)

De achterblijvers
Flip Maarschalkerweerd

De achterblijvers
Flip Maarschalkerweerd

De achterblijvers
Flip Maarschalkerweerd

Contribution of ovarian steroid production to urinary estrone conjugate concentrations in Macaca mulatta
S.E. Shideler; N.A. Gee; J. Chen; L.S. Laughlin; P.R. Rapp; J.H. Morrison; J.A. Roberts; F.M. Moran; B.L. Lasley

Different ovarian responses to potential mates underlie species-specific breeding strategies in common marmoset and Goeldi's monkey
Franziska M.E. Mattle; Christopher R. Pryce; Gustl Anzenberger

The Generality of Parietal Involvement in Visual Attention
Ewa Wojciulik; Nancy Kanwisher

Comparative study of urinary reproductive hormones in great apes
Keiko Shimizu; Toshifumi Udono; Chihiro Tanaka; Etsuo Narushima; Masato Yoshihara; Masato Takeda; Atsu Tanahashi; Linda van Elsackar; Motoharu Hayashi; Osamu Takenaka

Measurement of urinary and fecal steroid metabolites during the ovarian cycle in captive and wild Japanese macaques, Macaca fuscata
Shiho Fujita; Fusako Mitsunaga; Hideki Sugiura; Keiko Shimizu

横田 一郎

Urinary steroid hormone analysis of ovarian cycles and pregnancy in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) indicate that menses, copulatory behavior, sexual swellings and reproductive condition are associated with changing estrone conjugates (E1C) and pregnanediol-3-glucuronide (PdG)
Rebecca Sellin Phillips; Catharine J. Wheaton

Levantado do chão
José Saramago

Differences in the endocrine and behavioral profiles during the peripartum period in macaques
Massimo Bardi; Keiko Shimizu; Gordon M. Barrett; Michael A. Huffman; Silvana M. Borgognini-Tarli

Математика в экономике. Часть 1.
Солодовников А.С.; Бабайцев В.А.; Браилов А.В.; Шандра И.Г.

A regular decomposition of the edge-product space of phylogenetic trees
Jonna Gill; Svante Linusson; Vincent Moulton; Mike Steel

Non-invasive detection and monitoring of estrus, pregnancy and the postpartum period in pygmy loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus) using fecal estrogen metabolites
M. H. Jurke; N. M. Czekala; H. Fitch-Snyder

How To Make a Cycle Analysis - Correspondence Course for the Foundation For The Study of Cycles
Edward R. Dewey

Peripartum Sex Steroid Profiles and Endocrine Correlates of Postpartum Maternal Behavior in Captive Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)
Nina I. Bahr; Robert D. Martin; Christopher R. Pryce

Regulatory T cells vary over bleeding segments in asthmatic and non-asthmatic women
Ganesa Wegienka; Kevin R. Bobbitt; Kimberley J. Woodcroft; Suzanne Havstad

Phenomenology of non-Abelian flat directions in a minimal superstring standard model
G.B. Cleaver; A.E. Faraggi; D.V. Nanopoulos; J.W. Walker

Changes of urinary steroid conjugates and gonadotropin excretion in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy in the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti)
Yimei He; Yijin Pei; Rujin Zou; Weizhi Ji

Identification and characterization of the major alternative promoter regulating Bcrp1/Abcg2 expression in the mouse intestine
Karthika Natarajan; Yi Xie; Takeo Nakanishi; William T. Beck; Kenneth S. Bauer; Douglas D. Ross

Radioimmunoassay of estrone conjugates from urine dried on filter paper
Cheryl D. Knott

Gene expression profiles reveal an upregulation of E2F and downregulation of interferon targets by HPV18 but no changes between keratinocytes with integrated or episomal viral genomes
Bernd Karstensen; Sven Poppelreuther; Michael Bonin; Michael Walter; Thomas Iftner; Frank Stubenrauch

Functional significance of behavioral, morphological, and endocrine correlates across the ovarian cycle in semifree ranging female Tonkean macaques
F. Aujard; M. Heistermann; B. Thierry; J. K. Hodges

Relationship between urinary estrone conjugates as measured by enzyme immunoassay and serum estradiol in women receiving gonadotropins for in vitro fertilization
Michael M. Alper; Lisa Halvorson; Bill Lasley; Joseph Mortola

Hormonal correlates for the initiation of breast-feeding in Bangladeshi women
Darryl J. Holman; Michael A. Grimes; Eleanor Brindle; Kathleen A. O'Connor

Manipulation of the pill-free interval in oral contraceptive pill users: the effect on follicular suppression
William D Schlaff; Anne M Lynch; Heather D Hughes; Marcelle I Cedars; Deborah L Smith

The use of long acting subcutaneous levonorgestrel (LNG) gel depot as an effective contraceptive option for cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus)
C.J. Wheaton; A. Savage; A. Shukla; D. Neiffer; W. Qu; Y. Sun; B.L. Lasley

A solution manual for A first course in probability
Ross S.; Weatherwax J.L.

Urinary steroids, FSH and CG measurements for monitoring the ovarian cycle and pregnancy in the chimpanzee
Keiko Shimizu; Chisato Douke; Shiho Fujita; Tetsuro Matsuzawa; Masaki Tomonaga; Masayuki Tanaka; Kiyoaki Matsubayashi; Motoharu Hayashi

Alternative Promoter Usage at the Notch1 Locus Supports Ligand-Independent Signaling in T Cell Development and Leukemogenesis
Pablo Gómez-del Arco; Mariko Kashiwagi; Audrey F. Jackson; Taku Naito; Jiangwen Zhang; Feifei Liu; Barbara Kee; Marc Vooijs; Freddy Radtke; Juan Miguel Redondo; Katia Georgopoulos

Survey of Memphis VIII: Kom Rabia: the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period pottery
Janine Bourriau; Carla Gallorini

Long-term data on basic reproductive parameters and evaluation of endocrine, morphological, and behavioral measures for monitoring reproductive status in a group of semifree-ranging Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana)
B. Thierry; M. Heistermann; F. Aujard; J. K. Hodges

Wetting characteristic of ceramic to water and adhesive resin
Won-suck Oh; Chiayi Shen; Brandon Alegre; Kenneth J. Anusavice

Robust chaotic control of Lorenz system by backstepping design
Chao-Chung Peng; Chieh-Li Chen

Partial hyperbolicity far from homoclinic bifurcations
Sylvain Crovisier

Assessment of circadian rhythms throughout the menstrual cycle of female rhesus monkeys
Laura K. Barger; Tana M. Hoban-Higgins; Charles A. Fuller

Components of positional information in the developing wing margin of theLyramutant ofDrosophila
Lois A. Abbott; Th. E. Sprey

Assessment of female reproductive status in captive-housed Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) by measurement of urinary and fecal steroid excretion patterns
Dr. M. Heistermann; M. Finke; J. K. Hodges

Compute-Forward for DMCs: Simultaneous Decoding of Multiple Combinations
Lim; Sung Hoon; Feng; Chen; Pastore; Adriano; Nazer; Bobak; Gastpar; Michael

Skin wrinkling of sandwich polymer matrix composite panels subjected to fire exposure
Pei Gu; R.J. Asaro

Reproductive biology of female titi monkeys (Callicebus moloch) in captivity
C. R. Valeggia; S. P. Mendoza; E. Fernandez-Duque; W. A. Mason; B. Lasley

Contributions To Ergodic Theory And Probability
Sucheston I. (ed.)

Monitoring of diesel engine combustions based on the acoustic source characterisation of the exhaust system
J. Jiang; F. Gu; R. Gennish; D.J. Moore; G. Harris; A.D. Ball

Fecal analysis of ovarian cycles in female black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi)
C.J. Campbell; S.E. Shideler; H.E. Todd; B.L. Lasley