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Suplemen 3: Panduan Penyusunan Rencana Pengelolaan dan Zonasi Kawasan Konservasi Perairan, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil
Syamsul Bahri Lubis; Suraji; Nilfa Rasyid; Ahmad Sofiullah; Antung R. Jannah; Asri S. Kenyo H.; Dyah Retno Wulandari; M. Saefudin; Muschan Ashari; Ririn Widiastutik; Tendy Kuhaja; Yusuf Arief Afandi; Ari Setiarso Soemodinoto
Urinary steroid hormone analysis of ovarian cycles and pregnancy in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) indicate that menses, copulatory behavior, sexual swellings and reproductive condition are associated with changing estrone conjugates (E1C) and pregnanediol-3-glucuronide (PdG)
Rebecca Sellin Phillips; Catharine J. Wheaton
Математика в экономике. Часть 1.
Солодовников А.С.; Бабайцев В.А.; Браилов А.В.; Шандра И.Г.
Phenomenology of non-Abelian flat directions in a minimal superstring standard model
G.B. Cleaver; A.E. Faraggi; D.V. Nanopoulos; J.W. Walker
Identification and characterization of the major alternative promoter regulating Bcrp1/Abcg2 expression in the mouse intestine
Karthika Natarajan; Yi Xie; Takeo Nakanishi; William T. Beck; Kenneth S. Bauer; Douglas D. Ross
Gene expression profiles reveal an upregulation of E2F and downregulation of interferon targets by HPV18 but no changes between keratinocytes with integrated or episomal viral genomes
Bernd Karstensen; Sven Poppelreuther; Michael Bonin; Michael Walter; Thomas Iftner; Frank Stubenrauch
Alternative Promoter Usage at the Notch1 Locus Supports Ligand-Independent Signaling in T Cell Development and Leukemogenesis
Pablo Gómez-del Arco; Mariko Kashiwagi; Audrey F. Jackson; Taku Naito; Jiangwen Zhang; Feifei Liu; Barbara Kee; Marc Vooijs; Freddy Radtke; Juan Miguel Redondo; Katia Georgopoulos
Long-term data on basic reproductive parameters and evaluation of endocrine, morphological, and behavioral measures for monitoring reproductive status in a group of semifree-ranging Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana)
B. Thierry; M. Heistermann; F. Aujard; J. K. Hodges