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Sustainable and Safe Dams Around the World / Un Monde de Barrages Durables Et Securitaires: Proceedings of the Icold 2019 Symposium, (Icold 2019), June 9-14, 2019, Ottawa, Canada / Publications Du Symposium Cigb 2019, Juin 9-14, 2019, Ottawa, Canada
Tournier; Jean-Pierre(Editor); Bennett; Tony(Editor); Bibeau; Johanne(Editor)
Dams and Reservoirs, Societies and Environment in the 21st Century, Two Volume Set: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Dams in the Societies of the 21st Century, 22nd International Congress on Large Dams (ICOLD), Barcelona, Spain, 18 June 2006
Luis Berga (Editor); J.M. Buil (Editor); E. Bofill (Editor); J.C. De Cea (Editor); J.A. Garcia Perez (Editor); G. Mañueco (Editor); J. Polimon (Editor); A. Soriano (Editor); J. Yagüe (Editor)