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From Solidarity to Martial Law: The Polish Crisis of 1980-1981: a Documentary History (National Security Archive Cold War Readers) (National Security Archive Cold War Readers)
Andrzej Paczkowski; Malcolm Byrne; Gregory F. Domber; Magdalena Klotzbach
The New Testament in Syriac Peshitta version: based on the collations of John Pinkerton and on the B.F.B.S. text with a critical apparatus and an introduction to the history of the text /
by Andreas Juckel; Inetje Parlevliet-Flesseman.
In Vitro and In Vivo gene delivery mediated by Lactosylated Dendrimer/α-Cyclodextrin Conjugates (G2) into Hepatocytes
Hidetoshi Arima; Shogo Yamashita; Yoshimasa Mori; Yuya Hayashi; Keiichi Motoyama; Kenjiro Hattori; Tomoko Takeuchi; Hirofumi Jono; Yukio Ando; Fumitoshi Hirayama; Kaneto Uekama