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Ultrastructural observations of synaptic connections of vibrissa afferent terminals in cat principal sensory nucleus and morphometry of related synaptic elements
Nakagawa; Shinji; Kurata; Shu; Yoshida; Atsushi; Nagase; Yoshitaka; Moritani; Masayuki; Takemura; Motohide; Bae; Yong Chul; Shigenaga; Yoshio
Distribution pattern of inhibitory and excitatory synapses in the dendritic tree of single masseter ?-motoneurons in the cat
Bae; Yong Chul; Nakamura; Tatsuzo; Ihn; Hye Jung; Choi; Moon Hee; Yoshida; Atsushi; Moritani; Masayuki; Honma; Shiho; Shigenaga; Yoshio