The Eternal Smile: Three Stories

The Eternal Smile: Three Stories

Gene Luen Yang, Derek Kirk Kim
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A fantastical adventure through the worlds we live in and the worlds we create.   From two masters of the graphic novel -- Gene Luen Yang (American Born Chinese) and Derek Kirk Kim (Same Difference and Other Stories) come three magical tales 

*The story of a prince who defeats his greatest enemy only to discover that maybe his world is not what it had seemed. 

*The story of a frog who finds that just being a frog might be the way to go. 

*The story of a women who receives an e-mail from Prince Henry of Nigeria asking for a loan to help save his family – and gives it to him.   

With vivid artwork and moving writing, Derek Kirk Kim and Gene Luen Yang test the boundaries between fantasy and reality, exploring the ways that the world of the imagination can affect real life. 

Content Type:
First Second
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
PDF, 111.36 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2009
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Pravin Lal