NCLEX-RN EXCEL: Test Success through Unfolding Case Study Review
Ruth Wittmann-Price PhD CNS RN CNE, Brenda Thompson MSN RN CNE
NCLEX-RN EXCEL-Learn to think like a nurse on the exam. NCLEX-RN EXCEL contains the single most effective preparatory tool for success on the exam: the unfolding case study review. Based on the successful NCLEX-RN EXCEL methodology used in the Drexel University program, this is the only review book to utilize the unfolding case study approach to help you master test content. This approach promotes interactive learning through case vignettes and simulation environments, providing a clear, conceptual basis for test content. The unfolding case studies closely mimic real-life situations in nursing, providing situational models that assist students to problem solve, actively engage, and use critical thinking techniques when taking the actual test. Unlike all competing books, this book helps you to contextualize the information you need to pass the test. This innovative methodology is more effective than just practice questions alone, and has resulted in exceedingly high success rates. Key features: A systematic review of content from the new client needs test plan and the updated 2010 test blueprint Skill development in assessment, planning, and evaluation of patient care Rapid Response Tips (RRT) to help master content quickly and easily Key knowledge required for the test built into engaging case vignettes Pharmacology and medication administration principles incorporated into each chapter Full explanations of test answers at the end of each chapter If you want to get past the drudgery of flashcards, endless practice questions, and test-taking tricks-if you want a deeper understanding of the test material-get NCLEX-RN EXCEL.
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PDF, 19.10 MB
english, 2010