Plunkett's Apparel & Textiles Industry Almanac 2010:...

Plunkett's Apparel & Textiles Industry Almanac 2010: Apparel & Textiles Industry Market Research, Statistics, Trends & Leading Companies

Jack W. Plunkett
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The apparel and textiles industry involves complex relationships that are constantly evolving. This carefully-researched book covers exciting trends in apparel and textile supply chains, manufacturing, design, women's fashions, men's fashions, children's fashions, shoes, accessories, retailing, distribution, technologies and fabrics of all types. It includes a thorough market analysis as well as our highly respected trends analysis. You'll find a complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package. It contains thousands of contacts for business and industry leaders, industry associations, Internet sites and other resources. This book also includes statistical tables, an industry glossary and thorough indexes. The corporate profiles section of the book includes our proprietary, in-depth profiles of the 350 leading companies in all facets of the apparel and textiles industry. Purchasers of either the book or PDF version can receive a free copy of the company profiles database on CD-ROM, enabling key word search and export of key information, addresses, phone numbers and executive names with titles for every company profiled.
ISBN 10:
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PDF, 3.78 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2010
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