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Marx, Engels, Lenin: On Historical Materialism
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This collection contains works of Marx, Engels and Lenin on the theory of historical materialism. They deal with the laws governing the development of society, the relation between the productive forces and the relations of production, the basis and the superstructure, tell about socio-economic formation, the role of revolutions in social development, the role of the masses and the individual in history and discuss many other questions. Alongside theoretical works, the collection contains excerpts from articles and books by Marx, Engels and Lenin showing how the founders of the theory of historical materialism applied it to an analysis of contemporary events. The collection does not contain all of their works which are of interest to students of historical materialism. To include them in a single volume would have been impossible. The compiler set herself the aim to collect the most important writings of the classics of Marxism-Leninism on questions of historical materialism.
Progress Publishers
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english, 1972
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