AP English Language & Composition For Dummies

AP English Language & Composition For Dummies

Geraldine Woods
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Gearing up for the AP English Language and Composition test? AP English Language & Composition For Dummies is packed with all the resources and help you need to do your very best. In this AP study guide, you’ll find winning test-taking tips, multiple-choice strategies, and essay guidelines, as well as great advice on optimizing your study time and hitting the top of your game on test day.

This user-friendly guide helps you prepare without perspiration by developing a pre-test plan, organizing your study time, and getting the most out or your AP course. You’ll learn how to assemble your writer’s toolkit, expand your vocabulary, analyze sentences and paragraphs, understand rhetorical approaches, perfect your grammar, and paint pictures with words. Two full-length practice exams help you build your confidence, get comfortable with test formats, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and focus your studies. Discover how to:

  • Create and follow a pretest plan
  • Understand everything you must know about the exam
  • Develop a multiple-choice strategy
  • Speed up your essay writing
  • Find painless ways to become a better writer
  • Avoid mistakes that will lower your score
  • Interpret non-fiction writing
  • Write about graphs and charts
  • Make the most of practice exams to maximize your final score

You work hard to perform at the college level. AP English Language and Composition For Dummies gives you the support, confidence, and test-taking know-how you need to demonstrate your ability when it matters most.

Content Type:
For Dummies
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
PDF, 4.67 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2008
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