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Embedded Software: Know It All

Embedded Software: Know It All

Jean J. Labrosse, Jack Ganssle, Robert Oshana, Colin Walls, Keith E. Curtis, Jason Andrews, David J. Katz, Rick Gentile, Kamal Hyder, Bob Perrin
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The Newnes Know It All Series takes the best of what our authors have written to create hard-working desk references that will be an engineer's first port of call for key information, design techniques and rules of thumb. Guaranteed not to gather dust on a shelf! Embedded software is present everywhere - from a garage door opener to implanted medical devices to multicore computer systems. This book covers the development and testing of embedded software from many different angles and using different programming languages. Optimization of code, and the testing of that code, are detailed to enable readers to create the best solutions on-time and on-budget. Bringing together the work of leading experts in the field, this a comprehensive reference that every embedded developer will need! Chapter 1: Basic Embedded Programming Concepts Chapter 2: Device Drivers Chapter 3: Embedded Operating Systems Chapter 4: Networking Chapter 5: Error Handling and Debugging Chapter 6: Hardware/Software Co-Verification Chapter 7: Techniques for Embedded Media Processing Chapter 8: DSP in Embedded Systems Chapter 9: Practical Embedded Coding Techniques Chapter 10: Development Technologies and Trends *Proven, real-world advice and guidance from such "name" authors as Tammy Noergard, Jen LaBrosse, and Keith Curtis *Popular architectures and languages fully discussed *Gives a comprehensive, detailed overview of the techniques and methodologies for developing effective, efficient embedded software
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
Newnes Know It All
PDF, 15.70 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2007
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