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The Routledge Atlas of the First World War, 2nd Edition
Martin GilbertHow much do you like this book?
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From its origins to its terrible legacy, the tortuous and bloody course of the Great War is vividly set out in a series of 164 fascinating maps. Together the maps form a comprehensive and compelling picture of the war that shattered Europe, and illustrate its military, social, political and economic aspects. Beginning with the tensions that already existed, the atlas covers:
* the early months of the war: from the fall of Belgium to the fierce fighting at Ypres and Tannenberg
* the developing war in Europe: from Gallipoli to the horrors of the Somme and Verdun
* life at the front: from living underground, the trench system and the mud of Passchendaele to the war graves
* war in the air and at sea: from the Zeppelin raids to the battles in the North Sea, shipping losses and the Atlantic convoys
* technology and the new horrors: from phosgene gas attacks to submarines, tanks and mines
* the home fronts: from German food riots to the air defence of Britain, the Russian Revolution and the collapse of Austria-Hungary
* the Aftermath: from war debts and war deaths to the new map of Europe.
* the early months of the war: from the fall of Belgium to the fierce fighting at Ypres and Tannenberg
* the developing war in Europe: from Gallipoli to the horrors of the Somme and Verdun
* life at the front: from living underground, the trench system and the mud of Passchendaele to the war graves
* war in the air and at sea: from the Zeppelin raids to the battles in the North Sea, shipping losses and the Atlantic convoys
* technology and the new horrors: from phosgene gas attacks to submarines, tanks and mines
* the home fronts: from German food riots to the air defence of Britain, the Russian Revolution and the collapse of Austria-Hungary
* the Aftermath: from war debts and war deaths to the new map of Europe.
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Routledge Historical Atlases
PDF, 81.94 MB
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english, 2003
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