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Open-Source Robotics and Process Control Cookbook: Designing and Building Robust, Dependable Real-time Systems
Lewin Edwards Lewin Edwards is an embedded engineer with over 15 years experience designing embedded systems hardware firmware and control software.How much do you like this book?
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Edwards does the reader a great service by going into why decisions are made. For example, Edwards leads you through the choice of which PC motherboard he was going to use for the project. His decisions and considerations were very insightful to me. Although the board(s) selected are now out of date according to the manufacturers, using his process will enable you to find motherboards to be able to handle the tasks in the book. Next, Edwards leads you through setting up Linux using BusyBox and how to divide the system up using a compact harddrive and a CompactFlash. All in all, while I consider myself an expert linux user, I found his coverage of material very interesting. Another keeper for my robotics bookshelf.
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english, 2004
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