AP Chemistry for Dummies
Peter J. Mikulecky PhD, Michelle Rose Gilman, Kate BrutlagHow much do you like this book?
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A practical and hands-on guide for learning the practical science of AP chemistry and preparing for the AP chem exam Gearing up for the AP Chemistry exam? AP Chemistry For Dummies is packed with all the resources and help you need to do your very best. Focused on the chemistry concepts and problems the College Board wants you to know, this AP Chemistry study guide gives you winning test-taking tips, multiple-choice strategies, and topic guidelines, as well as great advice on optimizing your study time and hitting the top of your game on test day. This user-friendly guide helps you prepare without perspiration by developing a pre-test plan, organizing your study time, and getting the most out or your AP course. You’ll get help understanding atomic structure and bonding, grasping atomic geometry, understanding how colliding particles produce states, and so much more. To provide students with hands-on experience, AP chemistry courses include extensive labwork as part of the standard curriculum. This is why the book dedicates a chapter to providing a brief review of common laboratory equipment and techniques and another to a complete survey of recommended AP chemistry experiments. Two full-length practice exams help you build your confidence, get comfortable with test formats, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and focus your studies. You’ll discover how to Create and follow a pretest plan Understand everything you must know about the exam Develop a multiple-choice strategy Figure out displacement, combustion, and acid-base reactions Get familiar with stoichiometry Describe patterns and predict properties Get a handle on organic chemistry nomenclature Know your way around laboratory concepts, tasks, equipment, and safety Analy
Wiley Pub
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For dummies
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english, 2009
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