Radio Silence

Radio Silence

Alice Oseman [Alice Oseman]
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The second novel by the phenomenally talented author of Solitaire, Alice Oseman – the most talked-about YA writer right now. What if everything you set yourself up to be was wrong? Frances has always been a study machine with one goal, elite university. Nothing will stand in her way; not friends, not a guilty secret – not even the person she is on the inside. But when Frances meets Aled, the shy genius behind her favourite podcast, she discovers a new freedom. He unlocks the door to Real Frances and for the first time she experiences true friendship, unafraid to be herself. Then the podcast goes viral and the fragile trust between them is broken. Caught between who she was and who she longs to be, Frances' dreams come crashing down. Suffocating with guilt, she knows that she has to confront her past...She has to confess why Carys disappeared... Meanwhile at uni, Aled is alone, fighting even darker secrets. It's only by facing up to your fears that you can overcome them. And it's...
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HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN 10:
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EPUB, 1.55 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2016
epub, 1.55 MB
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