101 English Words You'll Never Learn in School

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101 English Words You'll Never Learn in School

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One of the problems with school is that they teach you language as if you were learning

so that you could write a textbook. They don't recognize that most language is spoken

much different than the "proper" way it's written.

Even the spelling of certain words like "going to" and "want to" are often spelt

phonetically (gonna and wanna) in informal dialogs like SMS, email, and Facebook.

The most important part of learning a language is to be able to communicate with your

fellow human beings. Here we have compiled 101 words and sayings that will help you

communicate, understand, and express yourself as if you were a native speaker.

The English language is a beautiful, expressive language that uses many idioms and

phrases. While this can make the language beautiful for native speakers, it can very

difficult for non-natives to be able to understand.

The Western world emphasizes individuality which tends to bring into existence

different slang ways to say the same thing, although they usually have slightly different


Slang is some of the most interesting parts of learning a new language as it gives color,

vibrance, and creativity.

Slang is also some of the most useful words to know and understand if you want to

master the language.

Included in this ebook are 101 of the most common words and expressions that you

will never learn in school.

We have focused on the phrases and words that are used the most in everyday life, and

are therefore in your best interest to know.

Master these words and phrases and you will be on the fast track to being confused

with a native speaker.

Each phrase is divided into different sections to help you understand it more deeply.

The different sections are:

When to use it—To help you understand the appropriate context for the word or


Variations—Different but similar ways to say the same expression.

Add-ons—Other words that are often added before or after the phrase.

Usage notes—Information about the phrase, how formal or informal the phrase is, and

other uses of the expression.

Pronunciation tips—Help with pronouncing the word like a native. If learning the

English language is important to you, it's very important to hear a native help you will

the correct pronunciation. You can only learn so much about how to speak from text.

Examples—Giving you real world examples where the phrase or word is used. The

best way to get an idea of how these phrases are used is to see how natives speakers use

them in real world, everyday conversations. It doesn't matter if you have a flawless

accent if you say the wrong wrong phrase at the wrong time.

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Linguistics\\Foreign: English
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