Connect: how to know if he's really your man

Connect: how to know if he's really your man

Burnett, Dawn
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Wellness strategist Dawn Burnett has an impressive track record for helping people unlock better health and greater vitality.  Like all of us, however, she has had a life filled with highs and lows. The child of divorced parents and a survivor of abuse, she was in a toxic marriage and then, just after her divorce, was hit by a drunk driver. These events, and the discovery that her son had a life-threatening condition, led her to a wake-up call. Studying to become an alternative medical practitioner to heal her child, she also sought answers on how to heal her own life. Along the way, she charted a course to ultimate wellness on a path filled with valuable lessons, deep wisdom, and insight on a variety of issues—including personal relationships.  She recognized that becoming trapped by the toxic emotions of our past can weigh down our spirit and sabotage any chance we have at happiness today or in the future.

The result is Connect, a light but powerful...

Health Communications, Inc.
ISBN 10:
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EPUB, 2.85 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2018
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