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The Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible: A Book-by-Book Companion
J. Daniel Hays, J. Scott DuvallHow much do you like this book?
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A Clear and Reliable Guide to Each Book of the Bible
The Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible provides a clear, reliable, and attractive resource to enhance personal Bible study. With a chapter for each book of the Bible, the guide presents the book's central teaching, setting, message, interesting features, and a key memory verse. In addition, each biblical book is placed in the context of Scripture as a whole, allowing readers to understand God's unfolding plan from Genesis to Revelation.
With beautiful, full-color photos, maps, and illustrations, this book-by-book companion to the Bible is perfect for Sunday school teachers, students, and everyday Christians who will find it quickly becomes the first place they go before beginning a book of the Bible.
The Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible provides a clear, reliable, and attractive resource to enhance personal Bible study. With a chapter for each book of the Bible, the guide presents the book's central teaching, setting, message, interesting features, and a key memory verse. In addition, each biblical book is placed in the context of Scripture as a whole, allowing readers to understand God's unfolding plan from Genesis to Revelation.
With beautiful, full-color photos, maps, and illustrations, this book-by-book companion to the Bible is perfect for Sunday school teachers, students, and everyday Christians who will find it quickly becomes the first place they go before beginning a book of the Bible.
Content Type:
Baker Books
ISBN 10:
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EPUB, 70.76 MB
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english, 2016
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