Modern Tarot: Connecting with Your Higher Self through the...

Modern Tarot: Connecting with Your Higher Self through the Wisdom of the Cards

Michelle Tea
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Beloved literary iconoclast Michelle Tea reinvents tarot for a new generation in this guide to using the Tarot as a twenty-first-century tool for connecting with our higher selves.

Long before Michelle Tea was winning awards for her poignant memoirs, she was a scrappy misfit on the streets of San Francisco, supporting herself by giving eerily prescient tarot readings. As her reputation as a writer grew, she stopped publicly reading the Tarot, though she never stopped doing it privately. Based on over twenty-five years of experience & a deep and abiding love of the cards, Modern Tarot brings the full force of Tea’s unique insight, inviting pop sensibility, & wicked humor to bear on the tradition of the Tarot in a fascinating journey through the cards that teaches us how to use this tradition for radical self-growth.

Whether you’re a dyed-in-the-wool seeker or a digital-age skeptic - or a little of both - the power of tarot is open to you. Modern Tarot doesn’t require you to believe in the supernatural or to focus narrowly on using the tarot as a divination tool. Instead, it offers fiercely insightful descriptions of each of the seventy-eight cards in the tarot system (each one fully illustrated by Amanda Verwey) & specially designed rituals to guide readers on a path toward transformative personal growth.

Grounded in Tea’s decades of tarot wisdom & personal experience, this is a guide that beginners will fall in love with & experienced readers will learn from anew. With her trademark one-of-a-kind insight & wit, Tea shows how tarot offers moments of deep, authentic connection during a time when “connection” is ubiquitous but rarely delves beneath the surface & how the affirming & personal nature of the Tarot offers a spiritual experience that is gentle, individual, & aspirational.

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EPUB, 3.09 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2017
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