Vampires: The Recent Undead

Vampires: The Recent Undead

Laurell K. Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, Kelly Armstrong, Holly Black, Rachel Caine, Kim Newman, Michael Marshall Smith, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
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"Nothing has sunk its teeth into twenty-first century popular culture as pervasively as the vampire. The fangsters have the freedom to fly across all genres and all mediums--there are even apps for vamps. Whether roaming into romance, haunting horror, sneaking into science fiction, capering into humor, sucking on the sociopolitical, titillating teens, meandering through mystery, heating up supernatural sex, or charming children--no icon is more versatile than the vampire. Slake your insatiable thirst and drink deeply of twenty-five of the best sanguinary stories of the new millennium: terrifying or tender, deadly or delicious, badass or beneficient, romantic or rude, funny or frightening, wily or weary, classic or cutting edge ..."
Prime Books
ISBN 10:
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EPUB, 505 KB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2011
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