Physics and My method (Transcript of the talk at CERN Colloquium on 1981)
Moshe Feldenkrais
Transcript of the Colloquium that took place on 7 May 1981 in the Auditorium. Transcribers and Editors: Chris Chia-Ling Lee, Annie Gottlieb, David Malterre. Completed in April 2018
Moshe Feldenkrais is known from the textbooks as a collaborator of Joliot-Curie, Langevin, and Kowarski participating in the first nuclear fission experiments. During the war he went to Great Britain and worked on the development of submarine detection devices. From experimental physics, following finally a suggestion of Lew Kowarski, he turned his interest to neurophysiology and neuropsychology. He studied the cybernetical organisation between human body dynamics and the mind. He developed his method known as "Functional integration" and "Awareness through movement". It has been applied with surprising results to post-traumatic rehabilitation, psychotherapy, re-education of the mentally or physically handicapped, and improvement of performance in sports. It can be used by everybody who wants to discover his natural grace of movement.
Moshe Feldenkrais is known from the textbooks as a collaborator of Joliot-Curie, Langevin, and Kowarski participating in the first nuclear fission experiments. During the war he went to Great Britain and worked on the development of submarine detection devices. From experimental physics, following finally a suggestion of Lew Kowarski, he turned his interest to neurophysiology and neuropsychology. He studied the cybernetical organisation between human body dynamics and the mind. He developed his method known as "Functional integration" and "Awareness through movement". It has been applied with surprising results to post-traumatic rehabilitation, psychotherapy, re-education of the mentally or physically handicapped, and improvement of performance in sports. It can be used by everybody who wants to discover his natural grace of movement.
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english, 2018