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The Insomnia Solution: The Natural, Drug-Free Way to a Good Night’s Sleep (Feldenkrais based)
Michael KrugmanHow much do you like this book?
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THE INSOMNIA SOLUTION is the answer millions of Americans have been waiting for -- a holistic, natural, drug-free, practical, user-friendly guide to falling, and staying, asleep. In Krugman's revolutionary book, he makes readers realize that insomnia is not just a nighttime affliction, but rather a 24 hour-a-day condition. It's almost always associated with stress that we experience during the day. Krugman's incredibly effective Sounder Sleep System assists readers in creating thier own personalized sleep-assistance program, featuring a combination of 18 mini-moves, designed to induce relaxation, reduce stress, and ensure sound sleep.
Grand Central Publishing
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PDF, 33.50 MB
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english, 2005
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