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The Fool’s Journey: Tarot and the Tree of Life
Maureen ClarkHow much do you like this book?
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“The Fool’s Journey” is the posthumous work of my sister, Maureen Clark, BA (Hons); an amazing woman who spent her lifetime writing for the love of it. This work was written (with passion for her subject, dedication and purpose) at the end of the 20th century but has never, until now, been brought out into the public.
The Fool's Journey (In Maureen's words ... dated 20th November 1996):The Fool’s Journey’ is a book on Tarot, or more specifically, a book of Tarot aligned with the sefirot of the tree of life of Qabalah. (Why I think they should be so aligned, I hope the book explains). Many books have, admittedly, already been published on Tarot. However, apart from a handful (such as ‘Meditations on the Tarot’), most seem merely to skim the surface, reducing Tarot to trivialities while ignoring the underlying cohesion and rich spiritual tradition which runs all through Tarot. None, previously, have related Tarot to the sefirot of Qabalah.In this book, I have sought to rectify this omission by giving both what may be useful in a reading, while attempting also to convey the great power of the mystical heritage which is Tarot’s very heart. While the book may be of little use to the casual dabbler who merely wishes to impress their friends over coffee, it will, I hope, be of interest to any serious student of Tarot, or to anyone concerned with the mystical paths of life.
The Fool’s journey is the life journey while Tarot provides the guidance to understand the inner realities of this, ultimately spiritual, pilgrimage. I have studied and (successfully) read Tarot for close to twenty years. My knowledge and interpretation of the cards has thus been tested and hammered out over the crucible of time. I have, over these many years, become intimately acquainted with the depth and richness of this fascinating subject. It is this depth and richness I have tried, in this book, to convey.
The Fool's Journey (In Maureen's words ... dated 20th November 1996):The Fool’s Journey’ is a book on Tarot, or more specifically, a book of Tarot aligned with the sefirot of the tree of life of Qabalah. (Why I think they should be so aligned, I hope the book explains). Many books have, admittedly, already been published on Tarot. However, apart from a handful (such as ‘Meditations on the Tarot’), most seem merely to skim the surface, reducing Tarot to trivialities while ignoring the underlying cohesion and rich spiritual tradition which runs all through Tarot. None, previously, have related Tarot to the sefirot of Qabalah.In this book, I have sought to rectify this omission by giving both what may be useful in a reading, while attempting also to convey the great power of the mystical heritage which is Tarot’s very heart. While the book may be of little use to the casual dabbler who merely wishes to impress their friends over coffee, it will, I hope, be of interest to any serious student of Tarot, or to anyone concerned with the mystical paths of life.
The Fool’s journey is the life journey while Tarot provides the guidance to understand the inner realities of this, ultimately spiritual, pilgrimage. I have studied and (successfully) read Tarot for close to twenty years. My knowledge and interpretation of the cards has thus been tested and hammered out over the crucible of time. I have, over these many years, become intimately acquainted with the depth and richness of this fascinating subject. It is this depth and richness I have tried, in this book, to convey.
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Original retail
Independently published
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EPUB, 941 KB
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english, 23
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