Chinese Character Writing For Dummies

Chinese Character Writing For Dummies

Wendy Abraham, Jing Li
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Learn to write 100 characters in Chinese Billions of people worldwide speak Chinese—and now you can learn to write 100 characters in the world’s most-spoken language! Whether you’re taking a course, looking to get ahead at work, or just want to up the ante when you’re communicating with Chinese-speaking family and friends, Chinese Character Writing For Dummies gets you up to speed fast. This workbook will guide your first steps in learning Chinese characters. It contains 100 basic characters, including 44 simple characters (pictograms and symbols) and 56 composite characters (ideograms and ideo-phonograms). It helps you little by little to familiarize yourself with the pieces of the puzzle most frequently used, as well as some basic Chinese writing rules. Offers online bonus content that includes instructional videos, downloadable flashcards, and printable writing pages Shows you how to write 100 Chinese characters Provides instruction for beginners, students, and lifelong learners Gives you helpful tips on how to memorize characters Speaking Chinese will take you far—and learning to write some of the most common characters will only take you farther! Find out how Chinese Character Writing For Dummies can help you today!
Content Type:
John Wiley & Sons
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
For Dummies
PDF, 16.40 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2019
pdf, 16.40 MB
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