Katie (Orlan Orphans 16)

Katie (Orlan Orphans 16)

Kirsten Osbourne
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Katie Sanders is the youngest of Edna Petunia’s adopted girls. With a voice like an angel, she sings for the family and the church her brother-in-law pastors in Nowhere. She has watched all fourteen of her sisters marry and have families, and she can’t help but wonder if she’ll ever have her chance. When fifteen new orphans end up in Nowhere with no homes, her eyes turn to their handsome headmaster.

Aaron Cavett travels from New York to Texas with one thing on his mind. Placing his boys in the orphanage waiting for them and returning to New York to his job. When there is no home waiting for the boys, it becomes his duty to find adoptive families for all fifteen boys. During his time in Nowhere, he can’t help but be a bit distracted by the beautiful Katie Sanders, an orphan like himself. Will he be able to find homes for his charges in time to return to his job in New York? Or will he leave be forced to depart before they have families…leaving love behind?

Unlimited Dreams Publishing
Orlan Orphans
EPUB, 161 KB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2018
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