The Introverted Leader

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The Introverted Leader

Jennifer Kahnweiler
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Succeeding in an Extroverted Workplace
You don't have be an extrovert—or pretend to be one—to get to the top! Jennifer Kahnweiler points to Mark Zuckerberg, Arianna Huffington, and Warren Buffett as prime examples of self-identified introverts who have done quite well for themselves. In this new, expanded edition of her pioneering book, she lays out a well-tested four-step strategy introverts can use to build on their quiet strength and make it a source of great power. The book includes fresh information on the unique challenges faced by introverted women, how leaders can shape a more introvert-friendly workplace, customized hiring and coaching strategies for introverts, and the positive correlation between introverted leadership and company performance.
Berrett-Koehler Publishers
EPUB, 1.83 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2018
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