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- Heartless

Michelle Heard
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From International Bestseller Michelle Heard, comes a new, sexy novel in the Enemies To Lovers series.
I’m warned that Carter Hayes is heartless.
He’s part of the screw crew.
He’ll just use you and leave you.
He’s ruthless and always gets what he wants.
Just look for the trail of broken hearts and dreamy sighs, and you’ll find him.
“Hot as sin, Carter.”
I don’t have time to fall head over heels for any guy. Besides, he’d never notice someone like me. I have a three-step plan. Get through college. Get a job. Get my sister out of the hell hole I left her in. That’s all I have time for.
That’s until I hear of the betting pool the guys started. Whoever screws me first gets the money. The moment Carter looks at me, I know it’s only because of the bet.
I tell myself our first kiss is only for show.
I hate my heart for falling for his irresistible charm.
For one foolish moment, I actually want him to be my first earth-shattering love. All it takes for me to give in is a little attention, a cocky smile, and a fake promise of a happily-ever-after.
When I’m surrounded by crumpled sheets and the smell of sex, I realize I let him have me for four hundred dollars.
To save what little pride I have left, I pretend it didn’t mean anything, that he’s just one last screw before we all leave college.
I’ve spent the last four years lying to myself. When I’m ready to take the final step of my plan, and save my sister, guess who walks through my front door?
This is book #1 in the Enemies To Lovers Series. Each book in the series is about a different couple. To get the full experience of their friendship, I'd recommend that you start with Heartless.
I’m warned that Carter Hayes is heartless.
He’s part of the screw crew.
He’ll just use you and leave you.
He’s ruthless and always gets what he wants.
Just look for the trail of broken hearts and dreamy sighs, and you’ll find him.
“Hot as sin, Carter.”
I don’t have time to fall head over heels for any guy. Besides, he’d never notice someone like me. I have a three-step plan. Get through college. Get a job. Get my sister out of the hell hole I left her in. That’s all I have time for.
That’s until I hear of the betting pool the guys started. Whoever screws me first gets the money. The moment Carter looks at me, I know it’s only because of the bet.
I tell myself our first kiss is only for show.
I hate my heart for falling for his irresistible charm.
For one foolish moment, I actually want him to be my first earth-shattering love. All it takes for me to give in is a little attention, a cocky smile, and a fake promise of a happily-ever-after.
When I’m surrounded by crumpled sheets and the smell of sex, I realize I let him have me for four hundred dollars.
To save what little pride I have left, I pretend it didn’t mean anything, that he’s just one last screw before we all leave college.
I’ve spent the last four years lying to myself. When I’m ready to take the final step of my plan, and save my sister, guess who walks through my front door?
This is book #1 in the Enemies To Lovers Series. Each book in the series is about a different couple. To get the full experience of their friendship, I'd recommend that you start with Heartless.
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Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
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Enemies To Lovers
EPUB, 214 KB
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english, 2017
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