College Physics

College Physics

Bueche F.J., Hecht E.
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New from the creators of the most trusted name in study guides comes Schaum's Easy Outlines. Schaum's Easy Outlines are streamlined new versions of best-selling Schaum's titles. We've shortened the text broadened the visual appeal - adding graphic elements on almost every page and introduced study techniques to make mastering the subject easier. The results are reader-friendly study guides with all the impressive academic authority of the originals. Students who have trusted Schaum's Outlines throughout the years will still enjoy the benefit of the leading authors and comprehensive contents - but in an easier eye-pleasing format that's less intimidating to today's readers. - Designed to appeal to underprepared students and readers turned off by dense text - Cartoons, sidebars, icons, and other graphic pointers get the material across fast - Concise text focuses on the essence of the subject - Delivers expert help from teachers who are authorities in their fields - Ideal review material for more than one million high school students who annually take Advanced Placement exams - Perfect for last-minute test preparation - So small and light they fit in a backpack!
The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.
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PDF, 6.18 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2000
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