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- Isle of the Dead
Isle of the Dead
Roger ZelaznyHow much do you like this book?
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Centuries in the future,
Francis Sandow is the only man alive who was born as long ago as the
20th century. His body is kept young and in perfect health by advanced
scientific methods; he has amassed such a fortune that he can own entire
planets; and he has become a god. No, not a god of Earth, but one of
the panetheon of the alien Pei'ans: he is Shimbo of Darktree, Shrugger
of Thunders. Yet he doesn't believe that his personality has merged with
the ancient consciousness of Shimbo, that he really can call down the
skies upon his enemies. The time comes, however, when Francis Sandow
must use these powers against the most dangerous antagonist in the
universe: another Pei'an god -- Shimbo's own enemy, Belion. And Belion
has no doubt whatever of his own powers....
Francis Sandow is the only man alive who was born as long ago as the
20th century. His body is kept young and in perfect health by advanced
scientific methods; he has amassed such a fortune that he can own entire
planets; and he has become a god. No, not a god of Earth, but one of
the panetheon of the alien Pei'ans: he is Shimbo of Darktree, Shrugger
of Thunders. Yet he doesn't believe that his personality has merged with
the ancient consciousness of Shimbo, that he really can call down the
skies upon his enemies. The time comes, however, when Francis Sandow
must use these powers against the most dangerous antagonist in the
universe: another Pei'an god -- Shimbo's own enemy, Belion. And Belion
has no doubt whatever of his own powers....
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ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
Francis Sandow 1
EPUB, 172 KB
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CID , CID Blake2b
english, 1969
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