In Memory Yet Green - The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov,...

In Memory Yet Green - The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920–1954

Isaac Asimov
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In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920–1954, is the first volume of Isaac Asimov's two-volume autobiography. It was published in 1979. This first volume covers the years 1920 to 1954, which lead up to the point just prior to Asimov becoming a full-time writer. In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954–1978 is the second part of Asimov's autobiography, and covers the years 1954 to 1978.
In Memory Yet Green is Asimov's joint 200th book, being published on the same day as Opus 200. It includes one of Asimov's first ever short science fiction stories, "The Weapon" (1938).
New York, NY : Avon
EPUB, 1.43 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 1980
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