Benedict's Bargain Bride (The Dalton Brides 6)

Benedict's Bargain Bride (The Dalton Brides 6)

Kirsten Osbourne
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From the tender age of seven, Lillian knew there was only one man she would ever love. Her love was intense and strong, and totally oblivious of the fact that the object of her attention didn't care about her. Orphaned in her early twenties, she agreed to meet a man who was interested in marrying her, but realized she couldn't. Her love was too strong. When she went to explain she couldn't meet the man, she overheard something that turned her life upside down. When she was crying on the street, her only love, Benedict, came to her rescue, but made it clear he would only help her for a short time.

Benedict was the oldest of three brother's and the second child in a family of six. He'd always known what he wanted from life, and he knew how he was going to get there. When his parents' reputation and their family mercantile were ruined by the three deacons who had tried to marry his sisters, he knew he had to find a new plan for his life. It couldn't possibly include his childhood nemesis, Lillian, could it? Could he possibly make a fresh start with her? Could Lillian convince him that they were destined to be together forever?

The Dalton Brides
AZW3 , 278 KB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2015
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