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Real-World Kanban: Do Less, Accomplish More with Lean Thinking
Mattias SkarinHow much do you like this book?
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Learn a Lean approach by seeing how Kanban made a difference in four real-world situations. You’ll explore how four different teams used Kanban to make paradigm-changing improvements in software development. These teams were struggling with overwork, unclear priorities, and lack of direction. As you discover what worked for them, you’ll understand how to make significant changes in real situations.
The four case studies in this book explain how to:
Improve the full value chain by using Enterprise Kanban
Boost engagement, teamwork, and flow in change management and operations
Save a derailing project with Kanban
Help an office team outside IT keep up with growth using Kanban
What seems easy in theory can become tangled in practice. Discover why “improving IT” can make you miss your biggest improvement opportunities, and why you should focus on fixing quality and front-end operations before IT. Discover how to keep long-term focus and improve across department borders while dealing with everyday challenges. Find out what happened when using Kanban to find better ways to do work in a well-established company, including running multi-team development without a project office.
You’ll inspire your team and engage management to make it easier to develop better products.
The four case studies in this book explain how to:
Improve the full value chain by using Enterprise Kanban
Boost engagement, teamwork, and flow in change management and operations
Save a derailing project with Kanban
Help an office team outside IT keep up with growth using Kanban
What seems easy in theory can become tangled in practice. Discover why “improving IT” can make you miss your biggest improvement opportunities, and why you should focus on fixing quality and front-end operations before IT. Discover how to keep long-term focus and improve across department borders while dealing with everyday challenges. Find out what happened when using Kanban to find better ways to do work in a well-established company, including running multi-team development without a project office.
You’ll inspire your team and engage management to make it easier to develop better products.
Content Type:
Pragmatic Bookshelf
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PDF, 10.32 MB
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english, 2015
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