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Emotional Resilience: Know What it Takes to be Agile, Adaptable & Perform at Your Best
Geetu Bharwaney
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Pressure, stress and annoying problems are all part of life, especially at work. By developing your emotional resilience you can be bulletproof, prepare yourself against even the most challenging situations, and focus fully on achieving your goals, getting things done, moving ahead and being the best you can be. With this comprehensive, practical and empowering guide, you will start feeling the benefits of emotional resilience straight away as you learn to: * quickly adapt to tricky and pressured situations and get the best from them; * be at your best all the time by successfully managing your emotions, thoughts and actions; * handle everyday demands, hassles and annoyances with positivity and confidence; * realise your full potential - whether on your own or with others. Being clever, skilled or smart is not enough. To get an edge, stand out and really succeed you need emotional resilience.
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Trans-Atlantic Publications
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EPUB, 1.87 MB
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CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2015
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