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- The Magic of Sleep Thinking: How to...

The Magic of Sleep Thinking: How to Solve Problems, Reduce Stress, and Increase Creativity While You Sleep
Eric Maisel, N. Maisel
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Imagine solving problems and increasing creativity while you sleep! Grounded in current brain research, this book introduces a simple but revolutionary program that shows how to do just that by learning to tune into your brain's deepest intuitions. Case studies of ordinary people demonstrate how to use sleep thinking to tackle anxiety, weight gain, anger management issues, poor school grades, and more through a bit of self-inquiry, new bedtime and morning routines, and a few other lifestyle changes and additions.
Dr. Eric Maisel presents clear, useful information relevant to anyone working through any sort of problem: personal, creative, or career-related. Readers learn how to use their own brainpower to extract important information from sleep thinking, yielding answers that lead to actions and actions that lead to change.
Dr. Eric Maisel presents clear, useful information relevant to anyone working through any sort of problem: personal, creative, or career-related. Readers learn how to use their own brainpower to extract important information from sleep thinking, yielding answers that lead to actions and actions that lead to change.
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Ixia Press
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EPUB, 530 KB
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CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2018
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