Patterns in Social Entrepreneurship Research

Patterns in Social Entrepreneurship Research

Jill Kickul, Sophie Bacq
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This impressive book outlines the complexities peculiar to the field of social entrepreneurship. Such complexities manifest at different moments in the development of a social entrepreneurial venture. It ties together many of the pressing issues and questions often encountered by social entrepreneurs and innovators as they identify, create, develop and sustain their own solutions throughout the life-cycle of their ventures.

The contributors expertly focus on the individual, organizational and institutional levels of social entrepreneurship. They address the role of personal values and leadership in the conduct of social entrepreneurial initiatives while stressing the importance of stakeholders in relation to human resource management, innovation or opportunity discovery. Finally, they analyze the role of institutions in legitimating social entrepreneurs' actions.

Social entrepreneurship, as a multi-disciplinary field, presents a unique opportunity and environment for researchers to contribute to academic-focused knowledge on both theoretical frameworks and practical skills on a holistic level. This volume offers a comprehensive foundation for this endeavor.

Contributors: S. Bacq, E. Bennett, D. Bhutiani, B. Bird, R. Bissola, J.E. Clarkin, M. Conger, D.D. Deardurff, M. Fakhreddin, K. Flicker, A. Gallagher, D. Gregory, A. Groen, B. Imperatori, A. Katre, J.A. Kerlin, J. Kickul, R. Leaver, M. Meyskens, S.J. Mezias, T.W. Moss, P. Nair, S. Perelli, F. Perrini, K. Ramirez, P. Salipante, J.-I. Soh, S. Teasdale, C. Vurro, D.R. Young

Edward Elgar Pub
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
PDF, 3.15 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2012
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