Book 2 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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Book 2 - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

J.K. Rowling
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HARRY CAN’T WAIT FOR HIS HOLIDAYS WITH THE DIRE DURSLEYS TO END. But a small, self-  punishing house-elf warns Harry of mortal  danger awaiting him at Hogwarts School.  Returning to the castle nevertheless, Harry  hears a rumour about a chamber of  secrets, holding unknown horrors for  wizards of Muggle parentage. Now  someone is casting spells that paralyse  people, making them seem dead, and a  terrible warning is found painted on the  wall. The chief suspect - and always in the  wrong place - is Harry. But something  much darker has yet to be unleashed.
Content Type:
Bloomsbury; First published in Great Britain in 1998
EPUB, 286 KB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2011
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