Oxford Phonics World 3 Student Book

Oxford Phonics World 3 Student Book

Schwermer Kaj, Chang Julia, Wright Craig.
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Long Vowels. — Oxford University Press, 2015. — 104 p. – ISBN 978-0-19-459619-0
Students WebsiteКачество файла - изначально e-Book (не скан книги). Текстового слоя нет, обратите на это внимание.
Медиафайлы (аудио+видео) к курсу находятся здесь. Архив с медиа запакован 7-Zip (с максимальным сжатием) и корректно работает только с данной программой. Извините за неудобство.Рабочую тетрадь можно скачать по ссылке /file/1726707/Oxford Phonics World is the first step on your students' journey into English, leading you through all 44 sounds.This brand new 5-level phonics course can be used before or alongside a main course book. Thought-provoking and engaging activities let children actively apply what they learn. They learn to really read, not just memorize words and sounds.– Over 150 Phonics Friends - an angry apple, a big bear, and others - help children remember English sounds.
– Action songs, chants, and games encourage children to discover connections between English sounds and letters
– Active class activities develop children's listening, speaking, reading, writing, and spelling skills and provide opportunities to apply them
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