The Later Roman Empire, 284-602: A Social, Economic and...

The Later Roman Empire, 284-602: A Social, Economic and Administrative Survey. Vol. II

Jones, Arnold Hugh Martin.
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Pp.523-1068SENATORS AND HONORATI — the aristocratic ideal; ordo equester, comitiva and senate; admission and precedence; privileges and burdens; the value of rank; the social composition of the senate; the geographical distribution of senators; the wealth of senators; otium senatoris.THE CIVIL SERVICE — the origins of the service; the sacred bedehambe; the palatine ministries; the praetorian prefecture; vicariani and cohortales; military and minor offices; the character of the service.THE ARMY — the army of the fourth century; foederati; the scholae; recruitment of citizens; recruitment of barbarians; pay and equipment; rations; conditions of service; promotion and discharge; protectores; officers; morale and discipline; the limitanei; the army of the sixth century; categories of troops; recruitment and conditions of service; numbers.ROME AND CONSTANTINOPLE — the two capitals; administration; police and fire; food supply; amenities; public works and finance.THE CITIES — number and size; new foundations and old cities; the people; the council and magistrates; civic finance; civic services; the curiales; the decline of the councils; provincial assemblies.THE LAND — land use; the importance of agriculture; the peasant freeholder; estates; estate
management; hired labour and slaves; coloni; rents and services; the condition of the peasantry; agri deserti.INDUSTRY, TRADE AND TRANSPORT — conditions of trade; the navicularii; the cursus publicus;
factories, quarries and mines; the role of the state; private transport; objects of trade; the slave trade; the pattern of trade; labourers and craftsmen; merchants.THE CHURCH — ancient custom; bishoprics; provinces; patriarchates; church finances; the wealth of the church; the lower clergy; episcopal elections; the social origins of the clergy; monks and hermits; church and state.RELIGION AND MORALS — pagans; Jews and Samaritans; heretics; the growth of superstition; doctrinal controversies; pagan and Christian morals; the church’s failure.EDUCATION AND CULTURE — Latin and Greek; native languages; schools and teachers; the
syllabus; Christianity and education; literary culture; doctors, architects and artists; public entertainments; the unity of the empire.THE DECLINE OF THE EMPIRE — East and West; the barbarians; political weaknesses; military defects; economic decline; depopulation; idle mouths; social weaknesses; administrative abuses; decline of morale; East and West.
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