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- Business Model Innovation: Concepts,...

Business Model Innovation: Concepts, Analysis, and Cases
Afuah A.
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Routledge, 2014. — 376 p. — ISBN: 0415817404, 9780415817400Rooted in strategic management research, Business Model Innovation explores the concepts, tools, and techniques that enable organizations to gain and/or maintain a competitive advantage in the face of technological innovation, globalization, and an increasingly knowledge-intensive economy. The book investigates how organizations can use innovations in business models to take advantage of entrepreneurial opportunities from:
Crowdsourcing and open innovation
Long Tails
Social media
Disruptive technologies
Less-is-more innovations
Network effects
Scarcity of complementary capabilities The book also looks at the ways firms can use innovations in business models to exploit or defend against threats. With twelve supplementary cases to help readers apply the concepts and techniques, this book is a must-have for anyone looking to understand the fundamentals of business model innovation.
Crowdsourcing and open innovation
Long Tails
Social media
Disruptive technologies
Less-is-more innovations
Network effects
Scarcity of complementary capabilities The book also looks at the ways firms can use innovations in business models to exploit or defend against threats. With twelve supplementary cases to help readers apply the concepts and techniques, this book is a must-have for anyone looking to understand the fundamentals of business model innovation.
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