Sat Subject Test: Physics
Gewirtz Herman, Wolf Jonathan S.
Подготовка к тесту по физике для поступления в американский колледж.
10 edition. — Barron's Educational Series, 2012. — 336 p. — ISBN-13: 978-0-7641-4353-3, ISBN-10: 0-7641-4353-0, ISSN: 2155-6040.
Language: English.The newly updated tenth edition of Barron's SAT Subject Test Phys 2 offers students all the test preparation they'll need with:
The book presents a diagnostic exam chat can be used to see how well you do the first time taking a practice exam. After taking the diagnostic, you can cross-reference each question with the appropriate review chapters to reinforce what you have learned during the year. Full answers and explanations are provided for each question. It contains The methodology used to solve physics problems and includes a basic math review
Three additional practice exams are provided that also contain full answers, explanations, and self-assessment tables.
10 edition. — Barron's Educational Series, 2012. — 336 p. — ISBN-13: 978-0-7641-4353-3, ISBN-10: 0-7641-4353-0, ISSN: 2155-6040.
Language: English.The newly updated tenth edition of Barron's SAT Subject Test Phys 2 offers students all the test preparation they'll need with:
The book presents a diagnostic exam chat can be used to see how well you do the first time taking a practice exam. After taking the diagnostic, you can cross-reference each question with the appropriate review chapters to reinforce what you have learned during the year. Full answers and explanations are provided for each question. It contains The methodology used to solve physics problems and includes a basic math review
Three additional practice exams are provided that also contain full answers, explanations, and self-assessment tables.
ISBN 10:
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