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- Dinosaurs: Level 1 (Read it Yourself -...
Dinosaurs: Level 1 (Read it Yourself - Level 1)
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Publisher: Ladybird Books
ISBN: 1844222810
Number of pages: 32
Format / Quality: PDFRead It Yourself is a series of graded readers designed to give young children a confident and successful start to reading.Level 1 is suitable for children who are making their first attempts at reading. The books are written in a very simple way using a small number of frequently repeated words. The sentences on each page are closely supported by pictures to help with reading, and offer lively details to talk about.About this book
The opening pages introduce the dinosaurs in this book.
Use the "Say the name" box on every spread to work out how to say the dinosaur's name.
Every page starts with a repetitive phrase to help beginner readers to start the sentence confidently.
Extra facts are labelled on each dinosaur for beginner readers who need more of a challenge.
Use the question at the back of the book to encourage early readers to read the book again.
Try using the picture index at the back of the book. We use an index to help us find the page of the topic we are interested in.
ISBN: 1844222810
Number of pages: 32
Format / Quality: PDFRead It Yourself is a series of graded readers designed to give young children a confident and successful start to reading.Level 1 is suitable for children who are making their first attempts at reading. The books are written in a very simple way using a small number of frequently repeated words. The sentences on each page are closely supported by pictures to help with reading, and offer lively details to talk about.About this book
The opening pages introduce the dinosaurs in this book.
Use the "Say the name" box on every spread to work out how to say the dinosaur's name.
Every page starts with a repetitive phrase to help beginner readers to start the sentence confidently.
Extra facts are labelled on each dinosaur for beginner readers who need more of a challenge.
Use the question at the back of the book to encourage early readers to read the book again.
Try using the picture index at the back of the book. We use an index to help us find the page of the topic we are interested in.
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PDF, 3.40 MB
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